Building a community of thinkers committed to problem solving

The Diaspora Circle is a member based community driven by the desire to find a place to have wholesome, grounded conversations; find answers to questions that are unique to our experiences as professionals developing our careers in a country other than that of our birth. We curate memorable meetings and assemblies with space for the element of fun and relaxation.


1. To build a community of thinkers committed to problem solving while creating a future we want to be in; both in our adopted homelands and our places of origin.

2. To find answers to our most pertinent reflections on our future as it affects our social, cultural, economic and intellectual well being.

Because our existence is multifaceted, we explore social, cultural, economic and political concepts with a goal to better understand how they affect us and how we navigate them while keeping ourselves and families secure. We keep our members engaged through thought provoking articles, exclusive town hall meeting experiences, live discussions, advocacy and destination assemblies. Prepare to be delighted, to feel seen and heard, to have a place to land where we can emote, debate and seek solutions to some of the most pressing questions affecting our generation of professionals expanding our careers abroad.

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